How to Look Good on Zoom

The way to look good on Zoom is pretty simple. Light yourself, not the room. Sit up in your chair. Raise your camera to near eye level. Make sure you’re framed in the camera as head and shoulders with just a little headroom at the top of the window. Stage your background. Wear appropriate clothes that expose well and visually separate you from your background. Make eye contact with the camera (not the screen) when you’re talking.

Best Practices for Virtual Meetings

Some best practices specifically for virtual meetings are: Learn the technology. Keep files to share in a convenient place. Clean up your desktop, and turn off notification pop-ups. Keep your camera ON and make eye contact. Clean the camera background behind you. Make sure you’re in the frame, well-lit, and close to your microphone. Give everyone a little space to prepare and chat at the start. If necessary, introduce everyone briefly in an organized way. Finally, follow-up about how the meeting could run better.

Virtual Meeting Ice Breakers That Aren’t Cheesy

Virtual Meeting Ice Breakers That Aren’t Cheesy

Some good ice breakers to kick off your virtual meeting that aren’t cheesy are the classics of small talk. Where is everyone calling in from today? What’s it like where you are today? Does anyone need a minute to grab water or a coffee? What’s the most interesting bit of news you’ve heard this week? Keep it to universal topics unless you want part of the team to glaze over and tune out when you start on specific sports or TV shows.